Basics of Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing, Proliferation Financing and Targeted Financial Sanctions
  • What is Money Laundering?
    Money laundering is the process of concealing or disguising the existence, source, movement, destination or illegal application of criminally derived property or funds to make them appear legitimate. Money laundering always involves the proceeds of illegal activities. There are three basic stages of money laundering.
    The three stages of money laundering are not always followed in this exact way. Sometimes, two of the steps occur almost simultaneously. The ultimate objective of money laundering is to “clean” or conceal the proceeds of criminal activity in order to use them in the legitimate economy.
  • What is Terrorism Financing?

    Terrorism financing is an act of providing funds or financial support, either directly or indirectly to individuals or groups with the intent to use those funds for terrorist activities which includes any finance transaction intended to support acts of terrorism or to further the objectives of terrorist organizations.

  • What is Proliferation Financing?

    Proliferation financing is an act of providing funds or financial services which are used to develop nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and any related materials to weapons of mass destruction.

  • What are Targeted Financial Sanctions?

    Targeted financial sanctions is an act of asset freezing, blocking and rejection of transactions and persons to prevent, suppress and disrupt the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and its financing in line with sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) through its resolutions.

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