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                                            AOB dOES

                                WITH FINdINGS?

                          At the conclusion of each inspection, the AOB   material accounting error, or a combination of the                     an audit engagement of the PIE,
                          issues a draft inspection report to provide details   two. The result of the AOB’s assessment might                    including relevant matters for the Audit
                          on findings observed during the inspection.     require the following actions to be taken:                             Committee’s consideration in their
                          Audit firms are expected to provide their                                                                              appointment of their auditors; and
                          responses within the specific timeframes        (i)   Imposing specific remediation measures on
                          prescribed by the AOB. The AOB finalises the          audit firms to rectify the findings raised.                (iv)   Imposing additional registration
                          inspection reports after taking into account                                                                           conditions on audit firms.
                          representations made by the audit firms. All          The audit firms are required to incorporate or
                          findings are expected to be remediated by the         revise the relevant audit procedures in their                    In yet another first step for the AOB,
                          audit firms within a timeline agreed with the         audits of the PIEs for the ensuing financial                     while enforcement proceedings were
                          AOB.                                                  year to evaluate the areas relating to the                       ongoing, additional registration
                                                                                findings raised. The audit firms are also                        conditions were imposed on individual
                          Findings identified in relation to firm reviews       required to evaluate the impact of these audit                   auditors and the audit firm to curb the
                          generally relate to compliance with the               procedures to the audited financial                              auditors from signing the auditor’s
                          requirements of the International Standard on         statements for the financial year inspected. In                  reports of its PIE clients. This was due to
                          Quality Control (ISQC) 1. For engagement              certain instances, this has resulted in Prior                    the severity and pervasiveness of
                          reviews, findings are either deficiencies that are    Year Adjustments (PYA) being made in cases                       findings on several inspected audit
                          individually critical which may have an impact on     where accounting errors were discovered;                         engagements. Such action on
                          the basis of audit opinion or those that relate to a                                                                   registration conditions were imposed
                          pervasive issue where the impact cannot be      (ii)   Following the inspection of audit                               with a view to safeguard the interest of
                          easily quantified. Findings do not necessarily        engagements, the related PIEs are referred to                    the capital market.
                          suggest that the affected PIEs’ financial             the SC’s Corporate Surveillance Department
                          statements contain a material accounting error        for consideration of further action to be taken            In instances where there are breaches of laws
                          or its internal controls in respect of financial      on the PIEs, where relevant;                               and regulations, the AOB will not hesitate to
                          reporting are materially weak.                                                                                   take action against individual auditors and
                                                                          (iii)   Sharing findings with PIEs relating to                   audit firms which can range from issuing
                          For engagements where significant                     inspected audit engagements.                               public reprimands to revoking the registration
                          improvements are required, actions can be                                                                        of audit firms and its individual auditors with
                          taken on both individual partners involved as         In 2018, the AOB had for the first time shared             the AOB.
                          well as the audit firms. As part of its normal        inspection findings with the Audit Committee
                          process, the AOB also assesses whether findings       members of a PIE. This was in relation to
                          relate to a lack of audit procedures, a potential     concerns arising from the AOB’s inspection on

                         AudIT OVErSIGHT BOArd
                         ANNUAL INSPECTION REPORT 2018

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