Page 9 - Inspection Report 2018
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                                                                                   dIrECTOrS dO

                                                                                WITH FINdINGS?

                          an audit engagement of the PIE,                   Given the AOB’s targeted and risk-based
                          including relevant matters for the Audit          approach to inspection, the AOB’s inspection
                          Committee’s consideration in their                reports should not be taken to provide an
                          appointment of their auditors; and                assurance that the quality control of the audit
                                                                            firm inspected, its audits or its audit clients’
                    (iv)   Imposing additional registration                 financial statements are free from any
                          conditions on audit firms.                        deficiencies not specifically raised by the AOB.

                          In yet another first step for the AOB,            Directors and in particular Audit Committees
                          while enforcement proceedings were                are responsible for overseeing the PIEs’ financial
                          ongoing, additional registration                  reporting process. This oversight function can
                          conditions were imposed on individual             be enhanced through increased engagement
                          auditors and the audit firm to curb the           with their auditors. In 2018, the AOB issued its
                          auditors from signing the auditor’s               inaugural AOB Annual Inspection Report which
                          reports of its PIE clients. This was due to       was distributed to all PLCs. This is to facilitate
                          the severity and pervasiveness of                 and enhance the communication and
                          findings on several inspected audit               engagement between the Boards of Directors
                          engagements. Such action on                       and/or the Audit Committees and their
                          registration conditions were imposed              auditors.
                          with a view to safeguard the interest of
                          the capital market.                               The AOB strongly encourages directors and
                                                                            Audit Committee members to understand and
                    In instances where there are breaches of laws           discuss the findings and firm-level statistics
                    and regulations, the AOB will not hesitate to           shared in this report with their auditors to
                    take action against individual auditors and             ensure that risk areas specific to their entities
                    audit firms which can range from issuing                are adequately addressed and to gauge the
                    public reprimands to revoking the registration          audit firms’ commitment and approach to audit
                    of audit firms and its individual auditors with         quality. Common inspection finding themes
                    the AOB.                                                from the report should be considered by Audit
                                                                            Committees in conducting their oversight

                                                                                                      AudIT OVErSIGHT BOArd
                                                                                                ANNUAL INSPECTION REPORT 2018  7

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