Public-Private Co-Investment Model To Empower MSMES

What is MyCIF?

The Malaysia Co-investment Fund (MyCIF) was set up as part of Belanjawan 2019 in order to co-invest in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Social Enterprises alongside private investors via Equity Crowdfunding (ECF) and Peer-to-peer Financing (P2P) platforms.

Our Objective

Establish a public-private partnership mechanism for risk capital financing.

Create a more efficient and visible channel to disburse government funds to MSMEs.

Crowd in private investors and spur further growth in the alternative financing markets.

How does the MyCIF Funding Work?

For all MSME and startups that successfully raised funds from ECF and P2P platforms, MyCIF will invest in the following ratio:

Investment Ratio
Maximum Investment Amount
General MSME Scheme
ECF and P2P
RM1 million

Food Security Scheme
ECF and P2P
Environmental & Social Impact Scheme
ECF and P2P
Social Enterprise Scheme
P2P Only

For instance, in case of 1:4 investment ratio, MyCIF will invest RM1 for every RM4 successfully raised from private investors on the participating platforms.

MyCIF in Numbers

Q4 2019 to Q4 2023

ECF & P2P campaigns
co-invested in


MSMEs which have received
Total co-invested from initial RM250M allocation
Private sector investment alongside MyCIF
MyCIF issuers are
micro or small

Who is eligible for MyCIF?

  • General MSME Scheme

    ALL MSMEs who meet the requirements set forth by respective MyCIF participant's platforms.

  • Social Enterprise Scheme

    MyCIF will invest on a 1:1 ratio at 0% financing rate for the following P2P campaigns by Social Enterprises which fulfil:

    1. Social Enterprise Accreditation Program under the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (Granted Aspiring SE, Basic SE (SE.B) and SE Accreditation (“SE.Ac”) status).
    2. Meet the requirements set forth by respective MyCIF participant’s platform.
  • Food Security Scheme
    1. To support the national food security agenda, MyCIF will invest on a 1:2 ratio for ECF and P2P campaigns by MSMEs in upstream segment of agriculture and bio-economy sectors.
    2. For a limited period, the above MSMEs are also eligible to be granted the following MyCIF incentives until the end of 2025:
      1. 0% financing rate in eligible P2P campaigns; and
      2. Foregoing dividend income in eligible ECF campaigns.

    3. MyCIF incentives as stipulated in (1) and (2) above will also be applicable to MSMEs financing Waqf asset development projects falling within the same upstream segment of agriculture and bio-economy sector.
    4. The MSMEs are also required to meet the requirements set forth by respective MyCIF participant’s platform.

  • Environmental & Social Impact Scheme
    1. MyCIF will invest on a 1:2 ratio for ECF and P2P campaigns by MSMEs that:
      1. Create impact in the following focus areas:
        1. Community
        2. Education
        3. Environment
        4. Food Security
        5. Healthcare

      2. Meet the requirements set forth in MyCIF Impact Investment Framework.
    1. This scheme will also be applicable to MSMEs financing Waqf asset development projects that seek to create impact in the focus areas.

How to Apply for MyCIF? 


Apply for financing from any of the ECF and P2P platforms participating in the MyCIF Scheme. List of participating platforms. 

Get Funded 

Get funded from private investors via the ECF or P2P platform.

Eligible for MyCIF

If successfully fulfill the private funding target, the P2P or ECF platform will help to access to MyCIF funding.

MyCIF 5-Year Contributions to the MSMEs

Terms and Conditions Relating to MyCIF Scheme

Terms & Conditions Relating to Malaysia Co-Investment Fund Scheme
Amended on 19 September 2023
Effective on 27 September 2019

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