The Committee which is chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance and comprises Government and industry representatives, consulted with selected industry bodies to produce a comprehensive report detailing 70 principal recommendations which call for law, regulation and rule reform in critical areas, set out the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance which comprises principles and best practices for good governance by listed companies and identify necessary measures on training and education.
The public seminar on corporate governance is organised by the SC (through the Securities Industry Development Centre [SIDC]) in its capacity as the Secretariat of the Committee. The seminar is aimed at enhancing general understanding of important initiatives taken by the Malaysian Government and private sector towards enhancing standards of corporate governance.
The seminar will highlight key aspects of the Finance Committee Report and explore private sector contribution to good corporate governance. Participants will also gain insight on efforts taken by other countries towards corporate governance reform.
The Second Finance Minister, Y. B. Dato' Mustapa Mohamed will deliver the keynote address. Speakers and panelists include members of the Finance Committee, top officials of the Malaysian government and regulatory bodies, key private sector leaders as well as experts on international initiatives on corporate governance. The speakers, among others, include:
- Tan Sri Wan Azmi Hamzah, Chairman, Financial Reporting Foundation (FRF);
- Ali Abdul Kadir, Chairman, Securities Commission (SC), Malaysia;
- Dato' Mohd. Azlan Hashim, Executive Chairman, Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE);
- Raja Datuk Arshad Raja Tun Uda, Chairman, Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (MASB);
- Dato' Megat Najmuddin Khas, President, Federation of Public Listed Companies (FPLC);
- Dato' C. Rajendram, Executive Deputy Chairman, Rating Agency Malaysia (RAM);
- Gerald Meyerman, World Bank.
The seminar expects to benefit company directors, chief executives, accountants, auditors, company secretaries, legal advisers, investors, business professionals and academicians who wish to gain better understanding of latest developments in the area of corporate governance.
For registration and further information, please contact Cik Sharizan Shaharuddin at tel: (03) 654 8683 or fax: (03) 651 5811.