“The SC is working closely with the health authorities to undertake all necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of our employees, including proactively identifying those who have been in close contact with the individual,” said an SC spokesperson.
As a preventive measure, the SC is closing its office tomorrow (Friday 13 March) to facilitate a deep cleansing of its premises. All employees will work from home. The SC office will re-open on Monday 16 March 2020.
Since the start of the outbreak in Malaysia, the SC has taken a series of precautionary initiatives to protect its employees and minimise the spread of the virus. These include activating split team operation to reduce the number of employees working in one location, health screening of visitors, home quarantine for employees who have had close contact with suspected and confirmed Covid-19 cases, and increased daily sanitisation of the office among others.
Members of the public can still contact the SC’s Corporate Affairs Department at
[email protected] (general enquiries) and the SC’s Consumer and Investor Office at
[email protected] (complaints).