The SC claims that Toh Lean Seng (47), Tham Yoke Sing (47), Lee Ai Peng (47), Yap Wai Fong (74) and Lee Beng Huat (52) had engaged in manipulative activities in the trading of RPB shares between 3 October 2006 to 31 October 2007. Toh, Tham and Lee, who were directors of JTL Equities Sdn Bhd at the material time were said to be responsible for controlling and managing 38 accounts used in the said manipulation.
Yap, a former remisier at AMInvestment Bank Berhad and Lee, a former remisier at Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad, are alleged to have been responsible for executing some of the impugned trades.
The SC is seeking court orders for disgorgement and civil penalties of over RM5,141,400.77, as well as orders to bar the defendants from being appointed directors of public listed companies and from trading on the stock exchange for a period of five years.