Datin Paduka Low Siew Moi, Tan Cheng Teik, Liaw Huat Hin, Hoi Main Seng, Chua Keng Hong, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, and Ter Leong Hing were alleged to have been involved in the insider trading of Worldwide shares between 2006 and 2007.
In the suit filed on 18 May 2017, SC claimed that Low had communicated material non-public information, namely the proposed privatisation of Worldwide, which was undertaken by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS), to Tan, Liaw, Hoi, Chua, and Ter Leong Yap, in breach of section 89E(3)(a) of the Securities Industry Act 1983. Low was the deputy general manager in PKNS and a director of Worldwide at the material time.
SC also alleged that Ter Leong Yap and Tan had further communicated the said information to Ter Leong Hing, and also Hoi and Liaw respectively. SC claimed that Tan, Chua, Hoi, Liaw and Ter Leong Hing breached section 89E(2)(a) of the SIA when they purchased Worldwide shares while in possession of the material non-public information.
SC is seeking a disgorgement of three times the profits earned by the defendants as a result of the insider trading and a civil penalty of RM1 million from each of the defendants.