Investors that would benefit from this latest SC measure include institutional investors such as financial institutions, insurance companies and fund managers.
This latest initiative represents a further step in the SC's continuous efforts to enhance transparency in the bond market, following from the posting of the Principal Terms and Conditions of all outstanding Ringgit-denominated bond issues on the SC website, last year.
Investors are reminded that any document posted on the SC website does not constitute an offer, invitation nor recommendation, but are historical documents intended only for information purposes. Investors should seek independent advice before making an investment decision.
Further details and subscription forms to access the Information Memoranda and Trust Deeds database on the SC website is available on the Issuance Information page in the Bond Market section here.
Both Trust Deeds and Information Memoranda will be posted within seven working days of the bond issuance date, and Information Memoranda will remain as read-only documents for a period of 30 days after the bond issuance date. Currently, Trust Deeds of all outstanding Ringgit-denominated bond issues approved by the SC since July 2000 have been posted, while Information Memoranda of outstanding Ringgit-denominated bond issues approved by the SC since January 2005 are available online.