The SC Chairman, Datuk Ali Abdul Kadir said it is crucial for investors to have knowledge and awareness of the capital market, not only to capitalise on the benefits of the market, but more importantly, to protect themselves.
"This is the age of the informed investor. Education is the first and foremost step to making wise investment decisions," Datuk Ali said.
The MIN website would cater to people of all background and ages, who wish to learn about the capital market.
"Young or old, housewives or students, young professionals or retirees … the website will benefit all who are keen to learn and understand the workings of the capital market.
"Even young schoolchildren, many who are Net-savvy nowadays, could be introduced to the site to give them a head start in understanding the benefits of saving and investing in the capital market," Datuk Ali said.
This website has a Bahasa Malaysia mirror site, Pelabur Malaysia - probably the first of its kind in Malaysia.
The Malaysian Investor website also has an Investor Alert section which is updated monthly with interesting articles. For instance, the first article features how unsuspecting people have been tricked by bogus spot commodity companies.
Other highlights of the website include interesting quizzes, and a special section for teenagers called the Teen Investor.
For more information on this new website, log on to