This seminar aims to educate investors on their rights and responsibilities as clients of a stockbroking firm, as well as shareholders of a public-listed company.
The seminar will provide participants with a better understanding of the rules and regulations governing the securities industry, the rights of shareholders and the responsibility of shareholders to promote corporate governance in the companies they invest in.
The seminar will be facilitated by Bobby Chew and Rabindran Thaver, Managers from the Legal Affairs Department of TA Securities Berhad.
This Saturday Seminar is open to the public. Capital market professionals, academicians, university students, investors and dealer's representatives are encouraged to attend the seminar.
This seminar carries 10 CPE-points, which dealer's representatives can accumulate for licence renewal this year. CPE refers to the SIDC's Continuing Professional Education programme which was introduced in January 2001 to enhance professional competence of all licensed representatives and in the long run, create a culture of continuous education and improvement among them. The points collected from attending the CPE courses will be a pre-requisite for dealer's representative licence renewals from July 2002 and eventually cover all other categories of licences.
Registration fee for the seminar is RM180. Interested parties may contact Ms Marsha Beh at tel: (03)-6204 8689, fax: (03)-62015811 or email :
[email protected]. More information on the seminar can be obtained here.