Following its 31 May alert to investors on this action and with this latest exercise, the SC has blocked eight websites. This exercise to block access to illegal investment websites is an ongoing process, with further websites to be blocked in the future as the SC continues its investigations.
The two websites, which have been blocked are:
The SC will take all measures to combat investment scams including taking appropriate enforcement action against operators and agents of illegal investment websites.
Investors who continue to participate in such schemes are reminded to withdraw their investments as they will not be able to enter their accounts once access to the websites is blocked.
Members of the public are reminded that they should only invest with parties licensed by the SC to be accorded the protection provided under the securities laws. Lists of companies and individuals licensed by the SC to engage in investment activity are available at the SC website.
The public is also advised to refer to the SC's Frequently Asked Questions: "Do Not Invest in Illegal Internet Investment Schemes"