Seventeen securities, newly classified by the SAC as Shariah-compliant securities, have been added to the list (Table 1), which currently totals 875 securities. Eleven securities, which were in the October 2006 list, have been excluded (Table 2).
Based on the current list, 86 per cent of the listed securities on Bursa Malaysia are classified as Shariah-compliant. Shariah-compliant securities are also well represented in all sectors of industry as shown in Table 3.
The latest list also provides the names of new companies that have taken over the listing status of previously listed Shariah-compliant companies (Table 4). In this instance, the Shariah status of the securities will only be determined after sufficient information has been obtained from the new companies.
In classifying the listed securities, the SAC received input and support from the SC and has applied a standard criterion in focusing on the activities of the companies listed on Bursa Malaysia . The approach and criteria in classifying the securities as well as the SAC's advice and guidance on disposal of Shariah non-compliant securities are stated in the list.
A booklet on the list will be published soon and is issued free of charge by the SC. The next updated list will be available in November 2007.
Table 1: Newly classified Shariah-compliant securities
* The securities of these companies have been classified as Shariah-compliant at IPO stage
Table 2: Newly classified Shariah-non compliant securitiesTable 3: Shariah-compliant securities on Bursa MalaysiaTable 4: New securities assuming listing status of previously Shariah-compliant securities *
* As at 16 May 2007