For continuous improvement in our transparency and accountability, the SC reveals its performance in the discharge of its regulatory functions. We provide a brief synopsis on the functions and the underlying principles and regulations we refer to in the evaluation of proposals. It is with strict adherence to these principles that we discharge our regulatory functions and the results of our performance are presented below.
Take-over Offers- Regulates take-overs and mergers under Division 2 of Part VI of the CMSA. In this regard, the Malaysian Code on Take-overs and Mergers 2016 sets out broad principles to be adhered to by parties involved in a take-over or merger transaction and the Rules on Take-overs, Mergers and Compulsory Acquisitions (Rules) provides operational and conduct requirements.
Collective Investment Schemes (CIS)- Evaluate proposals relating to the issuance of securities by CIS, vetting and clearance of prospectuses and deeds, registration of prospectuses and deeds, vetting of prospectuses, fund reports, promotional materials and advertisements, to ensure the orderly regulation of the industry.
Licensing- Execute all licensing activities, monitor fit and properness of licensees, administer disciplinary actions on licensees and ensure the processes are done in a transparent, efficient and effective manner.
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