Platform Pelaporan Bersama (XBRL)
Beginning May 2015, Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) is using the eXtensible Business Reporting Language for statistics, financial and regulatory reporting. XBRL is a well-accepted international data exchange standard that promotes efficient data capture, dissemination, and market transparency. It is part of the Capital Market Masterplan 2 (CMP2) initiatives to strengthen the market information infrastructure.

The reporting in XBRL will be implemented progressively across the Malaysian Capital Market. All reports submitted to SC will be in the form of XBRL instance documents through SC Common Reporting Platform (ComRep) accessible via

The XBRL instance documents shall be prepared in accordance with the data items, attributes and interrelationships defined in the following XBRL taxonomy:-

The XBRL taxonomy contains reporting-area specific hierarchical dictionaries. The SC XBRL taxonomy is created based on the framework outlined in the following document:- 

In facilitating the generation of XBRL instance documents, an Excel-based filing preparation tool (ComRep Client) will be provided. Filers have the option to use the ComRep Client tool to generate the XBRL instance document for submission or to use any other 3rd party XBRL tool that is in compliance with the SC XBRL Framework Taxonomy Architecture v1.0. The ComRep Client tool user manual is available below for reference.

Other related documents for filing preparations can be downloaded from the following web page in SC website:

Badan-badan Bersekutu SC
Pautan Berkaitan
Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia (SC) ditubuhkan pada 1 Mac 1993 di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Sekuriti 1993. SC merupakan badan berkanun swabiaya dengan tanggungjawab untuk mengawal selia dan membangunkan pasaran modal Malaysia.

Talian Umum: +603-6204 8000
E-mel Umum: [email protected]
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