1. Name of corporation/institution/agency *
Name of responsible person *
Corporation's Address
Phone *
E-mail *
Description of corporations
2. Corporation's network of operators (if applicable)
Corporation's network of operation - regional (if applicable)
Partner(s) or Subsidiary (if any)
Partner(s) network of operations other than Malaysia
3. Which category does your corporation falls into?
If other category, please specify:
4. Which FinTech clusters would you be interested?
If other Fintech clusters, please specify:
5. In what capacity are you responding?
If other capacity, please specify:
6. Is there anything about the regulatory system that poses particular difficulties for innovator businesses?
7. What practical assistance do you think the accelerator/incubator could usefully provide to small innovator firms?
8. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions about aFINity@SC?