The SC works with a global network of securities regulators to facilitate cross-border cooperation on regulatory and enforcement matters.
1. IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (IOSCO MMoU)
The SC has been a signatory to the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (IOSCO MMoU) since 2007. Strong coordination with international regulators through this global information sharing network has strengthened the SC’s enforcement capabilities in dealing with cross-border market misconduct. The list of IOSCO MMoU signatories is available here.
2. IOSCO Administrative Arrangement Privacy Notice
This privacy notice explains how the SC handles personal data received through international transfers from the European Economic Area (EEA) securities regulators. The SC is a signatory to the IOSCO Administrative Arrangement that sets out the safeguards for the transfer of personal data between EEA and non-EEA securities regulators.
3. European Union’s Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) on Supervision of cross border offering of alternative investment funds
The SC has signed a series of Memoranda of Understanding with securities regulators from the European Union to cooperate on the supervision of cross border offering of alternative investment funds.
4. Memoranda of Understanding
The SC has entered into Memoranda of Understanding with our regulatory counterparts on mutual assistance, cross-border co-operation and the exchange of information for the purpose of enforcing/supervising and securing compliance with respective laws and regulations.
No | Country | Regulator | Date |
1. | Argentina |
Comision Nacional de Valores of Argentina |
21 May 1998 |
2. | Australia |
Australian Securities and Investments Commission |
8 July 1998 |
3. | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Securities Commission of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
17 October 2003 |
4. | Brazil |
Comissao de Valores Mobiliarios of Brazil |
7 November 1997 |
5. | Brunei |
Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam |
29 October 2013 |
6. | Chile |
Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros of Chile |
26 May 1998 |
7. | China |
Ministry of Finance |
20 August 2018 |
8. | China Securities Regulatory Commission |
18 April 1997 |
9. | Dubai |
Dubai Financial Services Authority |
15 Aug 2006 |
10. | France |
Commission des Operations de Bourse of France |
13 September 1999 |
11. | Hong Kong |
Securities Futures Commission of Hong Kong |
22 February 1994 |
12. | India |
Securities and Exchange Board of India |
14 May 2001 |
13. | Indonesia |
Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal & Lembaga Keuangan (BAPEPAMLK) Indonesia |
12 January 1994 |
14. | Iran |
Securities and Exchange Organisation of Iran |
19 May 2007 |
15. | Ireland |
Central Bank of Ireland |
4 November 2011 |
16. | Italy |
Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa, Italy |
17 October 2003 |
17. | Jordan |
Jordan Securities Commission |
31 October 2002 |
18. | Kenya |
Capital Markets Authority |
9 June 1997 |
19. | Korea |
Financial Supervisory Commission of Korea |
17 March 2004 |
20. | Luxembourg |
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier |
29 January 2010 |
21. | New Zealand |
New Zealand Securities Commission |
20 February 2004 |
22. | Nigeria |
Securities and Exchange Commission of Nigeria |
15 November 2007 |
23. | Oman |
Capital Market Authority of the Sultanate of Oman |
17 October 2003 |
24. | Poland |
Polish Securities and Exchange Commission |
26 June 2001 |
25. | Portugal |
Portuguese Comissao do Mercado de Valores Mobiliarios |
19 May 2004 |
26. | Qatar |
Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA) |
3 December 2010 |
27. | Sri Lanka |
Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka |
4 February 2002 |
28. | South Africa |
Financial Services Board |
31 Oct 1997 |
29. | Taiwan |
Securities and Futures Commission of Taiwan |
7 November 1997 |
30. | Thailand |
Securities Exchange Commission |
4 April 1994 |
31. | Agricultural Futures Trading Commission Thailand |
27 May 2011 |
32. | Turkey |
Capital Markets Board of Turkey |
20 April 2010 |
33. | United Arab Emirates |
Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority of the United Arab Emirates |
18 March 2005 |
34. | Vietnam |
State Securities Commission of Vietnam |
27 February 2007 |
As at November 2018
Innovation Cooperation Agreements |
No | Country | Regulator | Date |
1. | Australia |
Australian Securities and Investments Commission |
27 June 2017 |
2. | Hong Kong |
Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong |
14 September 2017 |
3. | Indonesia | Otoritas Jasa Keuangan | 24 August 2020 |
4. | Singapore |
Monetary Authority of Singapore |
14 September 2017 |
5. | Sweden |
Finansinspektionen Sweden |
25 June 2018 |
6. | United Arab Emirates |
Abu Dhabi Global Market Financial Services Regulatory Authority |
20 October 2017 |
7. | United Arab Emirates |
Dubai Financial Services Authority |
7 September 2017 |
As at August 2020