Civil Action in 2016
No. Breach Defendants Brief facts of the case
  • Use of manipulative and deceptive devices [s. 179 of CMSA]
  • Causing wrongful loss to a listed corporation [s. 317A of CMSA]
  • Datin Chan Chui Mei
On 26 September 2016, the SC filed a civil suit against Datin Chan Chui Mei. The SC is seeking, among others:
  • A declaration that Datin Chan had contravened section 179 and 317A of the CMSA;
  • An order that Datin Chan makes restitution to persons aggrieved by the contravention;
  • An order that Datin Chan pays the SC the sum of RM11.54million, to be held in trust for Stone Master Corporation Berhad;
  • An order that Datin Chan be barred from being a director of a public-listed company for a period of five years;
  • Civil penalty of RM1 million for the contravention;
  • Interest;
  • Costs.

The SC has obtained an interim injunction from the Kuala Lumpur High Court to restrain Datin Chan from dealing with the monies in her bank accounts up to the amount of RM11.54 million. The High Court has fixed 2 December 2016 for the inter parte hearing of the injunction.

  • Insider trading [section 89E(2) SIA]
  • Sreesanthan A/L Eliathamby
On 12 October 2016, the SC filed a civil suit against Sreesanthan A/L Eliathamby. The SC is seeking, among others:
  • A declaration that Sreesanthan had engaged in insider trading in respect of Worldwide Holdings Bhd shares between 7 June 2006 and 11 July 2006;
  • A payment of the sum of  RM1,989,402 which is equivalent to three times the amount of RM663,134 being the difference between the price at which the shares had been acquired by Sreesanthan and the price at which the shares would have been likely to have been acquired at the time of the acquisition, if the material non-public information had been generally available;
  • Civil penalty of RM1 million for the breach of section 89E of the SIA;
  • An order that Sreesanthan be barred from being a director of any public listed company for a period of 10 years;
  • Interest;
  • Cost.
about the SC
The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) was established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993 (SCA). We are a self-funded statutory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate and develop the Malaysian capital market.

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