More companies return to capital market in Q2 to tap funds
17 July 2009   |   Kuala Lumpur
The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) approved seven IPO applications in the second quarter of 2009, bringing the total to eight so far this year. The seven approved IPOs have a potential market capitalisation of RM1.76 billion and are expected to raise RM566.3 million. Five of the approvals were for the Main Board and two for the Second Board.

The second quarter also saw the first listing on Bursa Malaysia for this year. The rise in IPO approvals and the listing marked the return of interest in tapping funds from the capital market via IPO. In the IPO pipeline, there are another 27 companies whose IPO applications have been approved since last year.

Similar interest is seen in the bond market where 13 private debt securities proposals were approved in the second quarter with the amount to be raised totaling RM17.6 billion. This was a marked increase from the first quarter which saw nine approvals with the amount to be raised totaling RM10.6 billion.

A total of 1,209 licensing applications were received in the second quarter, higher than the 1,054 licensing applications received in the first quarter.

The SC had maintained its strong performance standard with 99 percent of licensing applications and 98 percent of the corporate proposals processed within the time charters.

Capital market statistics released by the SC cover information on processing, approvals and rejections of submissions, including timing and reasons. In addition to these scorecard indicators, the quarterly statistics of submissions approved by the SC for the second quarter of 2009 were also reported.

The full series of capital market statistics released by the SC is set out here.
SC-World Bank-IOSCO Asia Pacific Hub Conference 2019: Enhancing Financial Inclusion through Islamic Finance and FinTech
(From left to right):
  1. Abayomi A. Alawode, Head of Islamic Finance, Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation, The World Bank Group
  2. Datuk Syed Zaid Albar, Chairman of the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC)
  3. Dr. Firas Raad, Country Manager for Malaysia, East Asia and Pacific, The World Bank Group 
  4. Datuk Zainal Izlan Zainal Abidin, Deputy Chief Executive of SC
about the SC
The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) was established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993 (SCA). We are a self-funded statutory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate and develop the Malaysian capital market.

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