Encik Kris Azman replaces Mr Wong Wing Seong who joined the SC on 1 June 2000 and will be returning to private practice.
Presently, Encik Kris Azman is General Manager – Loan Restructuring, Operations Division of Pengurusan Danaharta Nasional Bhd (Danaharta) with front-line responsibility for managing Danaharta’s non-performing loan portfolio and supervising the agency’s corporate finance and corporate planning units. He has served Danaharta since September 1998. Prior to Danaharta, he had held senior positions with a large Malaysian stockbroker and a major Malaysian merchant bank.
In the course of his work, Encik Kris Azman has acquired vast experience on matters relating to the capital market, particularly in corporate finance, restructuring and recovery schemes.
As the Director of Issues and Investment Division, Encik Kris Azman will oversee matters relating to the offerings and issues of securities by public companies which includes listing of public companies on the stock exchange, and the offerings and issues of private debt securities by public and private companies. He will also oversee matters relating to disclosure requirements and registration of prospectuses, take-overs and mergers as well as all matters pertaining to unit trusts and other collective investment schemes.
Encik Kris Azman holds a Bachelors Degree in Accounting from Michigan State University.