The SC CMA, which was introduced in 1995 and managed by the Securities Industry Development Centre (SIDC), aims to create awareness of and encourage quality research on the Malaysian capital market.
"The SC CMA is in-line with SIDC's aspiration to be in the forefront of research in the Malaysian capital market, complementing its strength in training and education," said the SIDC Manager Puan Teh Ija Jalil.
"The dissemination of non-proprietary research will help promote the development of a sound, stable and sophisticated capital market", said Puan Teh.
The SC CMA 2002 is open to all postgraduate students and faculty members of local and foreign institutions of higher learning. However, submission must be made through the institution of higher learning and each institution is allowed to submit only one entry for each of the postgraduate and faculty categories. The winner for each category will receive a cash prize of RM15,000 and a trophy.
Interested parties may contact Ms Marsha Beh at tel: (603)-6204 8689, fax: (603)-6201 5811 or email:
[email protected]. More information on the SC CMA 2002 is available on the SC website at
The SC CMA 2001 competition received encouraging response from local and foreign institutions of higher learning. There were four submissions for the postgraduate category and three entries under the faculty category. However, after careful consideration, the CMA Review Committee decided there would be no winners for the year.