In tandem with these measures, distributors of corporate bonds and sukuk in the OTC market are required to observe the sales practices prescribed by the SC, such as the requirement to undertake necessary client on-boarding assessment and ensure fair treatment of investors.
The liberalised framework for retail investors is complemented by the centralised online information platform, Bond + Sukuk Information Exchange Malaysia (BIX Malaysia), established by the SC in November 2017. BIX Malaysia enables investors to obtain necessary information on ringgit bonds and sukuk to assist in their investment decisions.
The liberalised framework consists of the new Guidelines on Seasoned Corporate Bonds and Sukuk and amendments to Guidelines on Issuance of Corporate Bonds and Sukuk to Retail Investors, the Guidelines on Sales Practices of Unlisted Capital Market Products, as well as Division 2 of the Prospectus Guidelines, which will come into effect on 11 October 2018.