SC suspends two stockbroking companies' licences

Kuala Lumpur, 8 May 1998

The Securities Commission ("SC"), after careful consideration and with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, has decided to suspend the dealer's licences of MBf Northern Securities Sdn Bhd ("MBf Northern") and Labuan Securities Sdn Bhd ("Labuan Securities"). From Tuesday 12 May, the companies will be prohibited from carrying on the business of dealing in securities or holding themselves out as carrying on such business. The companies have been given until 11 July 1998 to regularise their financial position failing which the SC will take the necessary action to revoke their licences.

The SC had issued show cause letters to the two companies, pursuant to Section 27 of the Securities Industry Act 1983, on why their stockbroking licences should not be suspended or revoked on 15 April 1998. The SC received their responses on 29 April 1998.

The SC's decision has had to be taken in order to ensure that investor assets are not further undermined and that any potential systemic risk is contained. To address investor concerns, the SC and the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange ("KLSE") have made contributions to boost the compensation fund to RM314 million. At the same time the SC is examining an additional mechanism to further address investor concerns. The SC has also instructed the KLSE to disclose the financial position of stockbroking companies so that investors can make informed decisions in their dealings with stockbroking companies.

MBf Northern and Labuan Securities were put under restricted trading on 1 December 1997 and were required by the KLSE to regularise their financial position by 31 March 1998. On 1 April 1998, the SC instructed the KLSE to issue a directive to the firms to effect an agreement in principle to merge with or be acquired with entities acceptable to the SC by 14 April. After more than five months both these companies had failed to comply with the capital and other prudential standards of the securities laws and KLSE Rules resulting in the present decision.

The SC has also considered the replies to the show cause letters from Kin Khoon & Co. Sdn Bhd ("Kin Khoon") and Capitalcorp Securities Sdn Bhd ("Capitalcorp"). Kin Khoon has taken steps to address its financial position and KLSE is in the process of evaluating those steps. The SC will make a decision based on that evaluation. With respect to Capitalcorp, certain documents have been forwarded to the company and the SC is waiting for the company to respond by 19 May.

Two other stockbroking companies, Omega Securities Sdn Bhd and Alor Setar Securities Sdn Bhd have been issued show cause letters on 4 May after being placed under trading restrictions in February. These two companies have been given two weeks to make representation as to why their licences should not be revoked or suspended. There are currently 13 firms which have been placed under restricted trading by KLSE.

KLSE, in a separate announcement today, will detail arrangements to handle investor and other inquiries arising from the suspension of the licences of MBf Northern and Labuan Securities.


Issued on behalf of the Securities Commission. For assistance, please contact tel no. 03-2597164 (Karen De Cruz) / 03-2507550 (Nafizah Omar) or fax no. 03-2536184
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The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) was established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993 (SCA). We are a self-funded statutory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate and develop the Malaysian capital market.

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