On 1 July 2010, the SC will host the 4th International Islamic Capital Market Forum (IICMF). Themed “Sukuk: Transferring Best Practices”, the forum will deliberate on specific issues and challenges within the sukuk framework, with a view of putting forward thought-provoking ideas and applications to strengthen the sukuk market and prepare for its next phase of expansion.
SC Chairman Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar will deliver the keynote address.
Other speakers will comprise Islamic finance experts, regulators, law practitioners, standards setters and Shariah scholars. They include Mohammad Faiz Azmi, (Malaysian Accounting Standards Board), Dr Aznan Hasan (Bursa Malaysia), Faisal Hijazi (Moody’s Middle East Ltd), Dr Said Bouheraoua (International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance), M Iqbal Asaria (Afkar Consulting Ltd, UK) and Ferzana Haq (Norton Rose, Singapore).
This will be followed by the 5th Islamic Markets Programme (IMP) on 4 – 9 July 2010. Themed “Gearing-up to Meet Future Challenges”, the IMP will be targeted at both new entrants and experienced practitioners in Islamic finance, particularly the Islamic capital market.
The five-day forum will feature speakers such as Datuk Noripah Kamso and Dr Zeid Ayer (CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management), Rafe Haneef (Fajr Capital), Dr Aznan Hasan (Bursa Malaysia) and Daud Vicary Abdullah (Deloitte). The IMP is developed by the SC and organised by its training arm, the Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC).