To curb excessive speculation and protect investors' interest, the SC has also directed the KLSE to declare the two counters as "Designated Securities" until further notice. Details of the designation of the two counters are provided by the KLSE in a concurrent announcement.
The SC's decision to uplift the trading suspension on both counters is based on the satisfactory disclosure by the company to the market and the KLSE.
However, the SC would like to caution investors to continue to be prudent and vigilant while investing in these counters. Investors should assess the fundamentals of the company, particularly based on the latest quarterly results announced by the company (on 26 February 2002), which are available on the KLSE LINK.
The SC is investigating the possible manipulation of Gensoil and Gensoil OA shares. It will also continue to monitor closely the trading of the two counters, as part of its ongoing market surveillance and enforcement work.