Welcoming Remarks at the investED Graduation Ceremony
Speaker: Dato’ Seri Dr. Awang Adek Hussin, Chairman SC Malaysia
Location: Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur 
Delivered: 27 May 2024
Key Highlights:
In his welcoming remarks of the investED programme graduation ceremony, SC Chairman, Dato’ Seri Dr. Awang Adek Hussin, reflected on the remarkable journey of the programme, which has garnered widespread attention and acclaim. His remarks outlined the programme’s achievements and culminated in a forward-looking view along with parting advice to the investED graduates.

Here are highlights from his opening remarks:

1. The investED programme received extensive media coverage, with over 300 pieces of coverage spanning multiple languages and media channels.

2. The investED programme surpassed various KPIs in its first year, including:
    • The investED Career Talks exceeded expectations with a total of 24 talks conducted - exceeding the target by 120%.
    • The level of student attendance at these talks surpassed projections, with over 8,000 students in attendance or 286% achievement against the initial target.
    • The uptake of the investED Foundation Programme recorded a 216% achievement against the target of 800 student applications.
    • The Leadership Programme, saw the enrollment of 171 students – achieving 85.5% of the target.

3. An area for growth is expanding the reach of the investED programme to include more universities and students across the country.
Full Speech:

Terima kasih pengerusi majlis

Yang Berhormat Senator Dato’ Seri DiRaja Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir, Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi

Yang Berusaha Prof Dr. Azlinda Azman, Ketua Pengarah Pendidikan Tinggi

Ahli-ahli steering committee investED,

Yang Berusaha Dr. Haji Mohd Zahari Ismail, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti,

Pegawai-pegawai Kanan Kementerian Kewangan dan Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi

Kepimpinan dan wakil-wakil industri pasaran modal

Graduan investED dan para Mahasiswa

Wakil-wakil media

Para jemputan yang dihormati sekalian

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dan salam sejahtera.

  1. Terlebih dahulu bagi pihak Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia (SC), saya ingin mengalu-alukan kehadiran Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri dan semua tetamu ke SC pada petang ini.
  2. Saya juga ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi perhargaan dan terima kasih kepada Yang Berhormat Senator Dato' Seri DiRaja Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir, Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi kerana sudi untuk merasmikan majlis graduasi investED yang pertama pada hari ini. Kehadiran Yang Berhormat sudah tentu memberi makna yang besar kepada graduan investED, sekaligus menanda sokongan berterusan Yang Berhomat dan Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi terhadap program investED yang akan dilaksanakan di tahun-tahun akan datang. Pihak SC amat berterima kasih atas sokongan ini.
  3. Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempetan disini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pemimpin dan pemain pasaran modal yang sentiasa bersama SC untuk menjayakan program investED. Kehadiran mereka petang ini sekali lagi menunjukkan komitmen mereka yang tidak berbelah bagi terhadap usaha yang murni ini.
  4. Dalam majlis dialog di antara SC dengan kepimpinan pasaran modal pada tahun 2022, masalah utama yang dikemukakan oleh mereka adalah kekurangan tenaga mahir dan bakat yang agak kritikal. Sesetengah mereka mengalami kekurangan bakat (talent deficit) sehingga 30%. Selaku Pengerusi SC dan Pengerusi Universiti Sains Malaysia, saya dapat merasakan serta merta perlunya kerjasama erat di antara universiti dan pasaran modal untuk melahirkan graduan yang sedia-pasaran (market-ready) untuk menampong talent-deficit tersebut. Idea ini telah mendapat sokongan penuh Kementerian Kewangan dan Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi yang akhirnya melahirkan program investED yang dilancarkan secara besar-besaran oleh YAB Perdana Menteri pada 19 Jun 2023.

    Background of investED

    Ladies and gentlemen,

  5. Now, let me take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey that we have taken so far over the first year of its implementation.
  6. Since its official launch by the prime minister, YAB Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, in this very room, the programme has garnered widespread attention and acclaim. The programme has also received extensive media coverage, with over 300 pieces of coverage spanning multiple languages and media channels. This overwhelming response underscores the significance of this initiative in addressing the industry's talent gap and building a sustainable talent pipeline for the capital market.
  7. The support and recognition from both the government and the media highlight the importance of investing in the next generation of talent. This further reaffirms our commitment at the SC to continue with this talent development programme.
  8. The investED programme, spanning three years, was set out to create a sustainable talent pipeline that would not only meet industry needs, but also drive innovation and growth in the capital market industry. We set ourselves the goal of enhancing the capital market knowledge of 9,000 students and paving the way for 600 graduates to embark on promising career paths within the capital market industry.
  9. I am pleased to announce that in the first year of the programme, we have not only met but surpassed most of our key performance indicators (KPIs) across various metrics.

  10. Our vision for the programme from very early on was to go beyond education and knowledge. At the core of this initiative lies a recognition of the need to bridge the gap between academia and industry.
  11. The capital market offers a wealth of opportunities, yet many remain unaware of its vast potential. We hoped that the training would raise awareness of the many career pathways available, while also developing capacity and leadership skills among our trainees. From career talks to certification programmes and leadership training, we've worked to provide a comprehensive platform for growth and development, so that they have the right tools to navigate the complexities of the capital market industry, and emerge as leaders of tomorrow.

    Appreciation to investED Partners

    Ladies and gentlemen,

  12. I want to offer once again my deepest gratitude to the industry partners who have been instrumental in supporting our capital market graduate programme. From offering invaluable insights and mentorship, to providing internship opportunities and job placements, your support has been critical to investED's success.
  13. Your willingness to accept investED candidates who have completed the structured programme says a lot about your commitment to nurturing talent, which is truly commendable. Thank you for your ongoing support of our shared vision of success.
  14. I would also like to acknowledge the top recruiters of the investED Programme in year 1. Special commendation goes to Maybank for their outstanding contribution, with 20 graduates joining their esteemed organisation. Additionally, the SC, Kenanga, CGS International Securities Malaysia Sdn Bhd, and Hong Leong makes the list of the top five recruiters in the programme.
  15. I am also deeply grateful to the ministry of higher education and IPTAs for their invaluable support in promoting the investED programme.
  16. Their commitment to nurturing talent and fostering academic excellence has played a pivotal role in the success of our initiative. Now that we are in the second year of the programme, I am sure we are all more familiar with what needs to be done, especially in promoting the programme to as many students and universities as possible. After all this provides a unique opportunity for aspiring graduates to gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience in the capital market industry, and hopefully rise up to become industry leaders one day. This is also very much in the spirit of the Madani economy, to raise the floor and ceiling, to benefit Malaysians across different sectors and industries.
  17. To achieve that, industries and universities need to continue working together to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application, ultimately preparing students for successful careers. Moving forward, I am optimistic that we can make a significant difference as evident from our first-year outcome with the investED programme.

    Moving forward

    Ladies and gentlemen,
  18. As we enter the second year of the programme, we can identify several areas for improvement. One obvious area for growth is expanding the reach of the programme to include more universities and students across the country. Additionally, seeking feedback from participants and industry professionals can help us tailor the programme to better meet the needs of aspiring professionals in the capital market industry.
  19. We intend to redouble our efforts to reach out to more students, especially those at public universities, and ensure that no talent goes untapped. We can achieve this by expanding the reach of the programme to include more universities and students across the country.
  20. We have also sought feedback from participants and industry professionals. This will help us tailor the programme and career talk formats to better meet the needs of aspiring professionals in the capital industry.
  21. In addition, we intend to expand our network of industry partners to provide our trainees with even more diversified options. This will also help us cultivate a rich tapestry of speakers, representing a wide spectrum of age groups, backgrounds, and career stages, to better connect with our young graduates.

    Conclusion and parting advice
  22. To the young graduates, congratulations on your success. Do embrace the journey that lies ahead with courage and conviction. The road may be long and difficult, but it is also filled with unlimited possibilities. Seize every opportunity with zeal, knowing that each challenge you encounter is simply another stepping stone towards your ultimate success.
  23. Cultivate a thirst for knowledge that knows no bounds, since in the ever-evolving landscape of the capital market industry, those who dare to innovate will be the ones who succeed.
  24. Embrace diversity in all its forms, recognising that our differences make us stronger and more resilient.
  25. Above all, never lose sight of your purpose. Remember that your journey in the capital market is not just about personal success; it's about making a meaningful contribution to the world around you. Whether you find yourself on the front lines of finance or in the back offices of operations, your work will always help to shape the future of the Malaysian economy and society.
  26. As you begin this new chapter in your life, I have every confidence that you will rise to the challenges that await you, transforming obstacles into opportunities and dreams into reality. Congratulations once again to the graduating class of the investED Leadership Programme.

Sekian, terima kasih. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) was established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993 (SCA). We are a self-funded statutory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate and develop the Malaysian capital market.

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