Use of fraudulent scheme and device in connection with the purchase or sale of securities
Acting as an investment adviser/investment representative without licence
Aeneas Capital Management, L.P.
Thomas R. Grossman
Richard Cohen
John Suglia
Priam Holdings Ltd
Aeneas Evolution Portfolio, Ltd.
Aeneas Portfolio Company, L.P.
Acadian Worldwide Inc.
Tan Mong Sing,
Dato’ Low Thiam Hock
On 9 April 2008, SC filed a civil suit against 8 foreign defendants and 2 local individuals. SC is seeking:
Declaration that all the defendants conspired to manipulate the market and share price of Iris, and defrauded investors;
Declaration that all profits earned by the defendants are held in constructive trust for the benefit of the affected investors;
Orders that all the assets and properties of each of the defendants be traced and followed, and then paid to the SC for the purpose of compensating the affected investors;
Permanent injunction to restrain each of the defendants from trading in Iris shares;
Permanent injunction to restrain each of the defendants from trading in any counter on Bursa Malaysia or MESDAQ; and
The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) was established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993 (SCA). We are a self-funded statutory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate and develop the Malaysian capital market.