Statement from the Securities Commission Malaysia (23 January 2025)

Kuala Lumpur, 23 January 2025

As the country’s capital market regulator, the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) is entrusted with ensuring all transactions within our jurisdiction comply with relevant rules and regulations, including the Malaysian Code on Take-overs and Mergers (Code) and the Rules on Take-overs, Mergers and Compulsory Acquisitions (Rules).

In any take-over offer, the SC focuses on ensuring compliance with the Code’s and the Rules’ requirements, particularly with regards to the timely and adequate disclosure of information to the shareholders. This is to ensure that shareholders have sufficient information to make informed decisions on take-over offers.

Given the recent interest in this matter, the SC would like to reassure stakeholders that we are monitoring the situation closely to ensure adherence to the Code and the Rules, and to safeguard the integrity of the capital market.


about the SC
The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) was established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993 (SCA). We are a self-funded statutory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate and develop the Malaysian capital market.

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