Key Highlights
Cases referred to Enforcement
Investigations initiated (no. of cases)
Investigations completed (no. of cases)
Persons charged in criminal proceedings
Criminal charges laid
Persons against whom civil actions initiated
Person involved in regulatory settlements
Administrative actions
  • Size of Capital Market and Fundraising
    * Due to the rounding, numbers presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the total provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures.
    # The significant quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) growth is due to the completion of the merger between Celcom Axiata Bhd and Bhd in Q4 2022 (*special issue of RM16.06 billion).
  • Asset Under Management
    * Due to the rounding, numbers presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures.
  • Enhance Breadth and Depth of the Capital Market
    Enabling greater fundraising avenues and enhanced market vibrancy

    Enabled offering of fractional share trading to increase affordability and flexibility for investors in the public market

    Signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SME Corp to create 200 capital-market ready SMEs, and strengthen 300 SMEs’ familiarisation with sustainability and governance
    Introduced Foreign Exempt Scheme Framework to provide high-net-worth entities and institutional investors greater onshore access to foreign investment funds

    Engaged fund management companies to identify potential opportunities and issues in the fund management industry

    Facilitated amendments to Bursa Rules and Listing Requirements to ensure equal opportunities for market participants via the harmonisation of the framework for proprietary day traders and salaried dealer’s representatives
    Expanding the ICM Ecosystem
    Commenced FIKRA ACE Accelerator Programme featuring 21 local and global fintech companies to foster innovative solutions towards advancing Islamic Finance.

    Organised the Waqf and Islamic Capital Market Conference and Roundtable in collaboration with USM, DRB-HICOM University, and FELDA, gathering over 200 stakeholders towards enhancing the role of Islamic social finance in tackling societal challenges.

    Organised the 14th SC-OCIS Roundtable themed ‘Investing towards the Common Good: Impact Stewardship and Ethical Considerations’ to promote and drive thought-leadership in advancing global development of the ICM.

    Facilitated talent development in ICM through the Islamic Capital Market Talent Development Program concluding in 2023, where over 1,000 graduates were produced since 2009 where more than 84% have found employment after graduation.

  • Facilitate the National Environmental, Social and Governance Agenda

    Enhancing the multi-stakeholder ecosystem for environmental, social and governance (ESG) andsustainable and responsible investment (SRI)

    Established a consultative group comprising cross-segment of stakeholders to solicit feedback on key issues and considerations to develop Malaysia’s National Sustainability Reporting Framework.

    Held the 11th Joint Committee on Climate Change (JC3) meeting the towards reviewing the progress and action plans of JC3 and held discussions on the SME Focus Group's role in enhancing awareness, certification, and SME disclosures, as well as the financial sector’s role in facilitating the National Energy Transition Roadmap’s initiatives towards a sustainable and inclusive energy system.

    Established a consultative group comprising cross-segment of stakeholders to solicit feedback on key issues and considerations to develop Malaysia’s National Sustainability Reporting Framework.

  • Strengthen Investor Empowerment and Literacy

    Enhancing financial literacy

    Continued to promote investment literacy and raise awareness on scams and unlicensed activities through 13 InvestSmart programmes, including the Agen Bijak Labur Desa (ABJAD) program, which reached out to 12,500 participants in rural areas.

    Leveraged digital media platforms to raise awareness on capital market products and services, scams and unlicensed activities, reaching out to more than 8 million users online year to date (YTD)

    Increasing investor options

    Introduced flexibility for wholesale fund managers to invest in alternative investment products beyond the current conventional assets such as securities, derivatives, money market instruments and deposits

    Increased investment options by allowing secondary listing of non-plain vanilla foreign exchange-traded funds (ETF)

  • Enhance Market Efficiency

    Managing Technology Risk

    Issued the Guidelines of Technology Risk Management (GTRM) to promote robust and sound technology risk management practices among capital market entities

about the SC
The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) was established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993 (SCA). We are a self-funded statutory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate and develop the Malaysian capital market.

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